Missouri State Capitol Commission
Tentative Agenda
Monday, May 11, 2015
1:00 p.m.
Missouri State Capitol, House Hearing Room 3
- Roll call of members
- Approval of January 12, 2015 meeting minutes
Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Unfinished Business
- Formation of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
- Update and tentative timeline
- Proposal for addition of Iraq and Afghanistan War to Veterans Memorial
- Update from 3-23-15 planning meeting
- Discussion and approval for funding interior Capitol art assessment
- Update on vendor selection and follow-up letter sent to members of general assembly
- Discussion of future events
- 100th Anniversary of laying of cornerstone (June 24, 2015)
- Update from 4-27-15 planning meeting
New Business
- Discussion of future events
- 100th Anniversary of laying of capstone (December 5, 2016) – preliminary plans
- Building and updating MSCC website – volunteers needed