The salvaged stone from the Missouri State Capitol exterior repair project will be auctioned in lots to the higher bidder on Friday, June 3, 2022, beginning at 10:00 AM, 1635 Industrial Drive, Jefferson City Missouri 65109. The funds raised from the auction will be used by the Missouri State Capitol Commission for their continued mission to preserve and protect the State Capitol building, the world-class art that adorns the building, and the grounds.
The salvaged Burlington Limestone from the Missouri Capitol exterior was mined from the quarries of Carthage Missouri, in the southwest corner of the state. The bulk of the material is large paver stones, ranging in size from 24” x 24” x 2” to 36” x 36” x 2”, along with a variety of architectural cut stones, base stones and capstones, with a few decorative or specialty carved pieces.
The stone has been palletized in lots and will be auctioned per lot to the highest bidder. Example photos of the available lots can be viewed here.
The stone may also be viewed in-person the morning of the auction prior to live bidding.
Payment shall be made by Cash, Apple Pay or Check to the Friends of the Missouri State Capitol. A receipt indicating proof of payment will be provided, which will be required to pick up your purchased lots of capitol stone.
The stone may be picked up the day of auction or by appointment for the following two weeks. Please contact Justin Bax Justin.bax@oa.mo.gov or call 573-526-5607 to arrange pick-up during the hours of 8am – 3pm, Monday thru Friday with the last date for pick up Friday, June 17, 2022.
If the stone is not picked up by the deadline, ownership will be forfeited to the Missouri State Capitol Commission.
We hope to see you at the auction; come purchase a piece of history and help preserve our beautiful Capitol!